Pay excess

How to get your customers homes back to normal

Claims are stressful, and the thought of lodging a claim can often be horrible.

It’s hard enough dealing with the aftermath of an accident or theft but having to go through the hassle of lodging a claim can be overwhelming.

Claim Central is changing the way your customers think about lodging their property claim. We’re a national property assess and repair service that has been operating for over 20 years. We have a team of experienced office and field professionals who work diligently on your behalf to get your customer’s homes back to normal with quality and speed as our key objectives.

Are customers satisfied with your other suppliers?

Claim Central Property managers property claims from lodgement, assessment through to final repair. We ensure that customers are treated pro-actively and with empathy. Our team of dedicated staff prioritise the customers result, we measure this at the final sign off stage at repair.

Claim Central has delivered consistent positive results for our clients ensuring final repairs acquire a virtual QA with the customer at the end. We ask the customer to respond with a rating between one and ten to let us know how we did. Over the past 12 months, Claim Central has consistently maintained a final customer service rating score of over nine. In our best month, we reached a score of 9.47.

Claim Central scores an average customer service rating of 9.28/10

The score is compiled from monthly ratings and averaged from all our responses. This score represents consistency and diligence within each step of Claim Centrals process.

How we achieved it?

We constantly and proactively update customers at every claim stage and provide a point of contact for each step. In addition, we set clear expectations with customers at the beginning of the claim and manage those expectations successfully through to the final QA.

We monitor the quality of the repairs through repair supervision, site presence and the ability to virtually connect with the customer to conduct a customer and trade sign-off on the final repairs. Furthermore, it validates and ensures customers are satisfied with their property repair and their lives can return to normal.

The significant increase in our service rating score indicates the impact of our improvement initiatives covering cost, quality, lifecycle and customer satisfaction.

customer service rating

The bottom line is that Claim Central provides an excellent customer service experience. Our team is passionate about helping our clients get the best results for their customers, and we’re proud to have maintained a customer service rating score of over nine for the past 12 months.

Ready to enhance your customers claims experience?  Click here to get in touch with our team today. 

Claim Central Pty Limited ABN 61 102 685 343 is a Corporate Authorised Representative (AR No. 001291075) of Insurx Pty Ltd ABN 85 628 930 334; AFSL 528534. The information in this article is general in nature and does not take into account the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of any particular person. Past performance is not an indicator of future performance. Claim Central Pty Limited and its related bodies corporate make no recommendations as to the merits of any financial product or financial services referred to in this article, its website, emails or its related websites. Before acting on any information in this article, you should consider the appropriateness of it, having regard to your specific financial circumstances and requirements. In particular, you should consider obtaining independent financial, legal, taxation and accounting advice to ascertain whether you should acquire any financial services described in this article.

Media Enquiries

For all media-related enquiries please contact Jessica Hunter:
0429 191 108

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